Our Joy in this Season

What a delight to celebrate Christmas—

The birth of Jesus, the Saviour of the world

The Son of the Most High—our God Eternal!

This sets the background for our celebrations

As we enjoy this time with a family that cares.

The preparations; the cooking and cleaning,

All done with joy because we are able to celebrate

The one who shows his humanity by coming to join

Each individual, each family, each household

As we enjoy a time with a family that cares.

Christ may have come to earth as a helpless baby

But he came as God’s love-child,

Ready to proclaim peace, joy and love

To all in God’s created world

As we enjoy a time with a family that cares.

I am humbled, overwhelmed with joyous peace

Because the excitement of this season of love;

A season of giving and receiving, recognizing that

All good things come from God,

As we enjoy a time with a family that cares.

I am saddened by the horrors told to us through the media,

Horrors and death all around the world.

This is not the world of love that God created,

So how is it that we are in a place of peace?

As we enjoy a time with a family that cares.                                                                                            

As we enjoy a time with a family that cares,

As we exchange gifts, and share in an overabundance of food

We are the privileged that live in peace,

As the birthplace of Christ, and other places ‘round the world

Are torn apart by hate and those who grasp at power

As we enjoy a time with a family that cares,

We help each other through dark times

And make everyone’s day a little brighter

How very thankful we are for all the joys that come our way,

And the peace and love shown throughout the year— from friends and family.

As we enjoy a time with a family that cares,

We are thrilled to know we live in hope and joy.

Our lives are filled with meaning because

Christ has entered our world and bought brilliance

A light that shines on the world’s darkness.

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