Shingles does not Care!

For quite some time now, a commercial for Shingrix has aired on our local TV.

One line has stuck with me. Shingles does not care! With apologies to the makers of the ad,

Here is my take on someone having Shingles.

Mary had made a Dr. appointment to  checkup on her health;

 She noticed some muscle pain the day before,

But thought it was from stretching way too far

To find something under the bed.

Neither she nor the doctor thought much of the pain;

Surely it would go away in a few days.

After the appointment was over, the doctor suggested

A Shingles shot—the two part vaccine.

Great, if this would keep Shingles away,

Mary was very agreeable to having the shot.

However, Shingles does not care

Because it already had a hold on her,

Which manifested itself in the next few days,

As a blotchy red band began to appear.

She went to a clinic to seek relief, and found she had full blown Shingles.

How could this be? She just had the shot, she should be fine.

But Shingles does not care.

The pain was quite severe, the redness quite pronounced

A Shingles band from her breast bone, under her breast,

And right around to her spine.

Oh, the painful situation—to sit, to lie, to stand?

What would help bring some relief?

The pills, the lotions and the ointments,

All meant to relieve the itchy pain brought little.

But of course, Shingles does not care.

The pill dosage is strong, meant to relieve the pain,

But with that temporary relief comes total drowsiness

Which means Mary cannot function normally.

She’d like to sleep much of the day, but then is up most of the night.

The lotions help relieve the itch, but for a short time only,

And then the itchy pain is back.

How can one get some rest when the body aches with pain.

But regardless of the pain, Shingles does not care.

A restless night, with snatches of sleep tossed in between;

Along with the taking of pills and the application of lotions,

What does that do for alertness during the day?

But regardless, Shingles does not care!

A few hours of feeling fine, and then back to bed for another nap.

This is the pattern for a Shingles sufferer.

But, regardless of the frustration and the pain,

Shingles really does not care.

How long will this last, we ask?

From several weeks, to months, to possibly years?

This debilitating illness takes control and hinders all that one could do.

But again, we are told, Shingles does not care!

Take the pills!

Apply the ointments!

Keep from scratching that red band!

Eventually, maybe, just maybe, the pain and itch will slowly disappear.

The path to wholeness may be long and oft discouraging,

But perseverance, patience and restraint may bring about a victory

Which will bring you back to a life of joy and relaxation!

But, you will get no free respite from Shingles,

Because, as said so many times before,